Magic Store 6
What did the boss just say a little while ago?
Did she mean I've become a kryptonite?
Does that mean I've become immune to magic?"
[It's not that you became immune, but rather you were always that way by nature.]
"I had no idea I had that kind of constitution my whole life..."
[It's not surprising that you didn't know. After all, there's no magic in your world, is there?]
That's true.
I've never picked up a One Ring* or gone to Platform 9Âľ*.
But if I'm naturally immune to magic, that's strange in itself.
"If my body is immune to magic, how was I even able to come here?"
[Well... The details aren't clear yet, but it's certainly related somehow.]
The manager must have a splitting headache.
Not only is their new part-timer from another world, but also has some kind of anti-magic constitution.
While the manager was gathering her thoughts, I glanced down at the succubus.
The drug I had given her seemed to have taken effect, as she was now half-awake.
Her slit eyes peering at me uncomfortably.
"So, in short, you don't really know."
[Not right now. I'll let you know as soon as I figure it out.]
During the call, the succubus muttered something while looking at me.
It was the most coherent-sounding voice that she had used so far.
Thinking it was time to send her home, I promptly responded.
"Yes, customer?"
"...What is this thing called love?"
It would have been more polite to ask if they had even experienced love before posing that question.
"I don't know, I've never tried it."
"Huh? Why not?"
Judging from her expression she hasn’t sobered up yet.
Should I just put the succubus back to sleep?
But then,
"Manager, do you happen to have the number for a taxi service?"
[It'll be under the counter. Shall I call one?]
"Yes, please. I'll hang up for a bit."
She didn't seem completely sober, but since we managed to communicate, I figured she'd go home quietly if I called a taxi for her. When I found the phone number and made the call, a normal-sounding person answered.
I couldn’t figure out what species it was though.
[Hello, I've got a call for a taxi. Where should we send it to?]
"The address here is... Oh, just a moment."
In the meantime, another customer had arrived.
No, wait, what is that?
Two skeletal figures in military uniforms were just pushing open the entrance.
I mean literal skulls, not a metaphorical description.
I have no idea how they managed to wear the uniforms, but the State Military must really put their soldiers through the wringer if there's barely any flesh left on their bones.
"Welcome, customers."
The skeletal figures didn't respond, but I didn't find it particularly unpleasant.
Without vocal cords, how could they possibly speak?
Instead, they presented me with a long note, filled with the names of various cigarette brands in pack quantities.
Ah, they must be requesting cigarettes - I thought.
Military personnel and bus terminal customers often come in asking for cheap cigarettes from the convenience store, since they can't get them easily on base or while traveling.
I've been asked to do this many times during my own military service and learned about all the strange cigarette brands out there.
"Shall I get these for you?"
My response was met with a creaky nod of the head.
Let's see, a total of nine packs, including one e-cigarette...
[Excuse me, do you work at this convenience store?]
I had forgotten about the taxi call.
"Ah, yes, I do work here."
[Okay, I've got the address then. I'll be there shortly. But is the customer I'm picking up intoxicated?]
"They can communicate with me."
[Uh... Alright, understood.]
After hanging up, as I was putting the cigarettes in a bag, I noticed something else written at the bottom of the list - two more words: "The Corpse?"
Seriously, they sell everything here.
"Manager, I called the taxi, and the customer who just came in is requesting a corpse."
[We aren’t handling that this month. Are the customers skeletons?]
"Oh, then it must be an urgent customer... There is a place nearby that handles bodies, so if it's urgent, I'll tell them to go check there. Go out the main gate, walk about 3 minutes to the right, and it'll be across the street."
Hearing that, the skeleton nodded and took the cigarette, then shuffled out of the convenience store.
As soon as I saw him leaving, I asked the store manager,
"I'm really curious about this, but did the convenience store handle bodies last month?"
[We did sell some. It was hard to store, so we didn't restock.]
"Why... why were you selling them, and why were they buying them?"
[It's a necessity for the skeletons.]
The manager later explained that the skeletons serving in the military don't live very long, only about 2 weeks, just like adult cicadas.
The reason is that the durability of the skulls containing the souls is absolutely terrible.
Most of the skeletons used in the military are just corpses from old wars, but the bones of bodies from decades ago won't be in good shape anymore, right?
The gold plating on a fountain pen would have worn off by then.
That's why the skeletons are looking for fresh new bodies.
The bodies the military provides only last a few weeks, but if they can possess a fresh new body from outside, it can last them a few months to a few years.
Hearing that, the first thing that came to my mind was the olive drab underwear I wore during military service.
I just don't understand why they would make even the unseen underwear into camouflage pants when the wearing feel is already so terrible.
"Somehow, it's similar to my military service days."
[Were you in the military too?]
"In the place I lived, almost all the men went to the military, for about 2 years. How about here?"
[It's a volunteer system now, but these days not many people join the military. They don't even draft people. After the war ended, most countries are reducing their military budgets.]
"So, the soldiers being skeletons means..."
[The company commanders are all necromancers. It's a cushy job, they say.]
If a company commander gets disappointed even once, that unit is really going to be a mess.
This isn't much different from the military where I lived.
During our conversation, the bell rang, and I glanced at the entrance, flinching slightly.
"Manager, where's the customer who said they're taking a taxi?"
It seemed a taxi had arrived, but the driver who came in was a one-eyed fellow, probably a cyclops or something.
After taking a deep breath, I pointed at the succubus and answered.
"That person over there."
"Hmm... this person doesn't seem to be drunk, though?"
I had to think for a moment how to explain this.
"Well, they're under some kind of curse, but they'll be fine after taking the medication."
"I see, then. Customer, please get up."
Even though the cyclops helped the succubus up, she couldn't keep up his balance.
She was practically dragged and loaded onto the backseat of the taxi.
As I watched this, I suddenly remembered something and leaned into the backseat.
"Excuse me, customer."
"The medication costs 4,000 won. Will you be paying by card or cash?"
I have to do my job.
I don't want to get in trouble.
The succubus didn't complain, saying, "Why are you taking my money when I didn't even buy anything with a card?"
If she had, I would have thought about suing her for obstructing business.
The succubus just smiled and handed over her card.
After taking the money and going back into the convenience store, I took out the medicine the succubus had eaten earlier, scanned only the barcode, and put it back.
Pro tip, if you think about it. When dealing with an intoxicated customer, you don't need to engage in a confrontation about scanning the barcode.
Just ask to borrow the item for a moment and scan it discreetly.
Just be tactful about it and handle it smoothly.
After the payment, I came back out and returned the card.
The succubus then asked again,
"Really... what is this thing called love?"
I don't even know why she is asking me this.
Do I really have to answer this?
I came to work to just scan barcodes, not to counsel customers.
"What on earth..."
Since they seemed so curious, I just said the first thing that came to mind.
"It's fun when done as a hobby, but it becomes annoying when done as a job."
That's generally the opinion of my married friends.
They were all so happy when they were in a relationship, but after getting married, it felt like they were just forcing themselves to keep playing a game they'd already seen the ending to.
As I listened to my friends’ situation, my immediate thought was this: love is a hobby, but marriage is a job.
No matter what the hobby is, once it becomes a job, it's bound to become less fun.
But the endpoint of love is marriage, at least.
Whether they get divorced later on or not, that's up to them.
I really said this out loud.
I don't even know what I was thinking when I responded this way, but it seems it wasn't the answer the succubus wanted.
"Aw... what's that supposed to mean?"
I didn't answer this question.
The cyclops-like eyes in the rearview mirror were flickering, as if telling me to hurry up and finish.
And I really wanted to do that too.
"...I'm sorry."
If I apologize, maybe I won't have to see them again.
I'll just focus on doing my job well.
I don't know what made her change her mind, but the succubus apologized.
It must have been for throwing up after drinking, so I accepted it and tried to get out of there.
Finally, the taxi drove off.
After that, the passengers became fewer and fewer.
It seemed to be after 12 AM.
Around midnight, during the convenience store night shift, the daily sales receipt was printed out.
The purpose was to record the total sales of the day.
After receiving it, I left only 100,000 won on the cash counter as the manager had instructed and put the rest in the safe, then sat back down.
After working for 2 hours, I felt like venting about something or everything.
"In just 2 hours of work, I've had to deal with all kinds of difficult customers. I never imagined I'd have to give love advice too."
[Love advice? Was that about the succubus customer?]
"Yes. Have you had experience with that before, manager?"
The manager's voice sounded deeper in thought.
[From now on, don't take those customers seriously, okay?]
"I wanted to, but they kept asking so much... I just said a few words."
[Even those few words are not okay. The succubus customers, well... they tend to be quite obsessive.]
So that's why they kept asking me about love over and over.
[Especially when it comes to the topic of love, they're extremely sensitive. Did you come to any conclusions?]
"No. I had to hurry and send the taxi customer away."
[Then that customer will probably come back again later.]
I had prayed not to see them again when I sent them off.
"You should have told me sooner."
[Sorry, I've been pretty busy since earlier...]
"Were you doing something else?"
I asked, and the manager replied apologetically.
[There's one delivery that's been slow coming in, and I just got a text that they're bringing it now.]
[Yeah. I haven't replied yet, but can you receive it?]
Normally, the convenience store deliveries come at set times, with the pre-agreed amounts.
I found that part a bit strange when they explained it to me earlier, but now I just shrugged it off.
This must be a normal, average convenience store, after all.
"Is it a lot?"
[No, just one. It's a bit big, but the delivery person will handle the carrying. Chan, you just need to record it.]
"Are you close with the delivery person?"
[Yeah, an old co-worker. Okay, I'll text them back that I'll accept it.]
Just recording it on paper with a pen shouldn't be too difficult.
But it wasn't the case.
5 minutes later, I heard a crashing sound outside like a meteor falling and rushed out to see a winged horse-like creature hovering low, flapping its wings.
"The delivery is here!"
On top of it was a woman wearing goggles, and on the ground was a box big enough to fit an air conditioner, though I couldn't guess what was inside.
The woman asked,
"Huh? Where did my sister go?"
"Sister? Are you looking for the manager?"
"Yes. But... who are you?"
"I'm the new part-timer, just started today."
After a moment, she took off her goggles and stared at me intently...
She exclaimed in admiration.
TL Note: The *One Ring, also called the Ruling Ring and Isildur's Bane, is a central plot element in J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings.
It first appeared in the earlier story The Hobbit as a magic ring that grants the wearer invisibility.
*Platform 9Âľ is a fictional platform in the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling.
It's where Hogwarts students catch the Hogwarts Express, the magical train that transports them to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at the start of each school year
Chaper List:
- Magic Store 42
- Magic Store 41
- Magic Store 40
- Magic Store 39
- Magic Store 38
- Magic Store 37
- Magic Store 36
- Magic Store 35
- Magic Store 34
- Magic Store 33
- Magic Store 32
- Magic Store 31
- Magic Store 30
- Magic Store 29
- Magic Store 28
- Magic Store 27
- Magic Store 26
- Magic Store 25
- Magic Store 24
- Magic Store 23
- Magic Store 22
- Magic Store 21
- Magic Store 20
- Magic Store 19
- Magic Store 18
- Magic Store 17
- Magic Store 16
- Magic Store 15
- Magic Store 14
- Magic Store 13
- Magic Store 12
- Magic Store 11
- Magic Store 10
- Magic Store 9
- Magic Store 8
- Magic Store 7
- Magic Store 6
- Magic Store 5
- Magic Store 4
- Magic Store 3
- Magic Store 2
- Magic Store 1
- Magic Realm Convenience Store Worker
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