Magic Store 20

I recapped the absurd situation once more.

The convenience store door was left open, and a drunken Minotaur had come barreling in and smashed it to pieces.

Starting from where the horns had pierced and retracted, there was now a hole about 10cm in diameter.

The hinges were shattered from the impact, so the door wouldn't open or close.

And the cracked transparent door had become opaque.

If that's still hard to picture, imagine a sparrow flying at Mach 3 and ramming the door.

The Minotaur, plucking the glass shards from his head, came and bowed to me apologetically.

"Ow, I'm sorry 'bout that."

He was still dripping blood, but that wasn't my concern.

I just wanted to sink down and break down crying.

I never imagined the store door would get smashed to bits within 30 minutes of my shift starting.

But I still had to do my job, so I took a photo and asked the Minotaur for his contact information to bill him for the door later.

"Uh, well you see..."

He was evasive in his response.

Hey now, Mister Minotaur.

You're not trying to just leave without paying, are you?

Do you want to get sold off to Majangdong?

"I, uh, can't quite remember my number."

"I see."

This happens sometimes.

People don't have much reason to call their own phones.

I took his phone and entered my contact info, then called my own number and hung up as soon as it rang.

Once I get the door payment, I'll just block this numbskull.

"I was just running a bit tipsy, and didn't see the door in front of me."

"Alright, just go get that checked out at the hospital."

I was a bit curt, since he wasn't really a customer.

But he seemed to understand, and without further comment, he wiped the blood off his hand and unsteadily walked away.

I wonder if he'll get reported for walking around covered in blood.

After sending the photo to the manager and calling them, I heard a heavy sigh on the other end.

"What a day is this..."

I could easily imagine the manager pinching the bridge of their nose.

After reporting the contact info, I quickly added, "It doesn't seem to be my fault, Manager."

[I know. Are you hurt at all, Chan?]

"My heart is a little wounded."

[That's a serious problem too.]

"And the door won't open or close at all. I think I'll just have to work with it left like this."

[Okay... I'll fix it up tomorrow.]

I didn't bother asking how she would fix the dented and cracked door.

She’d probably just wave their magic wand and poof, it'd be fixed.

I didn't have the luxury to worry about that right now.

It was 10:30 PM, and the customers were really starting to pour in.


"That'll be 59,050 won."

"Ah, hold on a sec."

A freshly arrived goblin plopped down four shopping baskets full of food items on the counter.

I needed to hurry up and bag everything, but the goblin's hands were moving at an excruciatingly leisurely pace.

After digging out several bills over the course of dozens of seconds, he handed me one and said, "Here, start with this 10,000."

"...Ah, if you're going to pay in multiple bills..."

"Don't say it won't work. It will."

I knew it would.

If you don't immediately insert the card and instead first press the credit card option, a separate screen comes up to input the amount, and you can pay exactly that much.

Most convenience stores don't really allow this, though, because it's a hassle.

I was tempted to just say it wasn't possible, but this goblin clearly knew the trick, so I couldn't bring myself to refuse.

"And here's another 10,000."


"Oh wait, this isn't the right one. Hold on..."

Why are you trying to do this card shuffle trick at a convenience store?

While this was going on, other customers were lining up, placing their items on the counter or holding them in their arms since all four of the baskets were taken up by this trouble-making goblin.

"Got it, this one's 10,000."


"And this one's 5,000..."

"Excuse me, how much longer is this going to take?"

A Kobold with a Doberman-like head was impatiently glaring at me.

It's not like I'm trying to hold him up on purpose.

"I'm sorry, sir, could you please wait just a little longer?"

"A little? I've been standing here for 2 minutes already, in a convenience store!"

"Excuse me, could you please ring up this one first?"

A toad-faced woman who looked like an ajumma suddenly barged in and placed her items on the counter, and a chorus of complaints erupted from the line.

"Hey, ajumma, can't you see there's a line here?"

"C'mon, just ringing up this one item shouldn't take this long, why are you being so stiff?"

"Do we look like we have a lot to check out or something?"

"Customers, we'll be done in a moment, so no fighting please."

Weekend night shifts at the convenience store can be quite a challenge.

With so many customers coming in, if I can't clear them out right away, the line is bound to build up.

And most customers really don't like standing in line at a convenience store - they came here for the convenience.

I could maybe let it slide if they were just waiting for a bit, but this goblin has been at the counter for over 3 minutes.

Even with all the muttering from the others, the goblin kept blowing a whistle as he finally pulled out a third card.

"And with this one, that's another 5,000."

"Sir, there are other customers waiting behind you, so could you please just pay all at once if possible?"

"Why should I."

"It's just that the customers behind you..."

"All my cards are nearly maxed out, so I have to do it this way or the payment won't go through. Unless you wanna buy it for me?"

"Alright, let's not get carried away here!"

"Okay, this one's 10,000."

Regardless of the complaints from behind, the goblin kept calmly and methodically pulling out cards.

After finally finishing the 59,000 won total, he started rummaging in his pockets again.

"Wait, I think I had a 50-won coin somewhere."

"No need for the 50 won, sir. Just go ahead."


And with a whistle, he left.

The customers all turned to look at him, their expressions saying they wished they could throw a rock at the back of his head.

I quickly grabbed the barcode scanner.

"Alright, who's next?"

The troublesome customers kept coming, one after another, without a moment's rest.

"Hey, how many pull-ups can you do?"

"Pfft, 300 is a piece of cake."

"Sir, you can't be doing pull-ups here."

I heard voices coming from outside the wide-open door and saw two beefy Orcs doing pull-ups on the edge of the awning.

I rushed out to yell at them to stop.

And 10 minutes later...


Amidst the chaos of scanning barcodes, I heard retching sounds from outside.

One of the two Salamanders who were walking together was vomiting in a huge pizza-sized pool right in front of the store entrance.

"Urgh... Bleeaargh..."

"Hey, don't throw up here."

The Salamander companion patted his back firmly, but that only seemed to make him vomit even more violently.

Sorry, but out of all the vast expanse of the street, why did you have to do it right in front of our store entrance?

I'm just curious.

"I'm so sorry, boss."

"...I'll clean it up, you just take him and go on your way."

The two Salamanders continued their way, and the large pizza-sized mess on the ground started spreading.

I grabbed a bucket, filled it with water, and kept splashing and washing it down the drain.

20 minutes later.

"Oh no!"

This wasn't my voice, but a bent-over old Kobold who had broken a soju bottle while drinking on the floor, letting out an anguished cry.

I had been scanning barcodes when I heard the bottle breaking and saw the Kobold staring blankly at the shattered glass on the floor.

"Ah, what am I going to do about this..."

"I'll clean it up, just pay for the soju."

"I have to pay for it...?"

"Yes, you do need to pay for it."

I answered firmly.

By this point, my nerves were completely on edge.

This is all my fault, I bet another bottle is going to get broken any minute now.

After collecting 1,800 won for the soju, I sent the sullen Kobold on his way and warned the incoming customers to avoid the area where the bottle was broken.

In the brief lulls between customers, I swept up the area and collected the glass shards.

I then washed the broom, soaked in alcohol and mopped up the rest.

When there was a moment with no customers, I returned to the counter, hoping to find some peace of mind.


I feel like I'm going insane.

I really feel like I'm going insane.

Any sense of calm was quickly shattered, and it took all my self-control to not break down in sobs.

Even sitting quietly at the counter, the honking cars, chattering pedestrians, and music from neighboring shops were all grating on my nerves.

And with the door smashed, I could hear and feel all those noises and the chilly outdoor air blasting in.

If I end up getting my paycheck this month, it'll all go to psychiatric treatments and hair loss treatments, not to mention the stress-induced ulcer...

"Excuse me, boss."

What is it now?

Another troublemaker?

I lifted my head and reflexively swallowed as I saw a well-dressed middle-aged man looking down at me.

While his hair and beard were a bit disheveled, they were neatly combed, giving him more of a gentlemanly Western vibe rather than looking unkempt.

His facial features were sharp, but not intimidating.

There was a slight smile on his face.

"I'd like a pack of Dunhill Blues, please."

"...Ah, yes."

Is this another troublemaker?

I took a pack of cigarettes from the display, making sure to select a normal looking one to hand to him.

He had politely requested it, so I figured I should respond in kind.

As he placed the cigarettes on the counter, he also set down a bottle of energy drink.

He then pulled out a 5,000 won bill and three 100 won coins, the exact 5,300 won total.

"Would it be alright if I took a short break here, boss?"

"Yes, just fill out the log with your address and contact info."

Is this not a troublemaker?

As I handed him the logbook, I filled in the time section myself, since many people get lazy about checking the time.

The middle-aged man bowed his head politely.

"Thank you."

He began carefully writing his address and contact information in the log.

He had set down his smartphone, and the screen was flickering with something on it - looked like he had an app related to his work open.

Curious, I asked, "Excuse me, sir, would you mind if I asked you something?"

"Not at all."

"That app on your screen - is that for stocks or something?"

"Ah, no, it's for my work."

I was right on the money with that guess.

I followed up, "And what kind of work do you do?"

The middle-aged man replied with a serene smile, "I'm a delivery driver."


A delivery driver?

Not a knight?

"A rideshare driver, that is. I just started recently."

"I see."

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