Chapter 1215

Return of The Mount Hua – Chapter 1215. It's as good as it gets (5)

Editor: Hoamzz

Co-Translator: Xoxo

Everyone looked at Im Sobyeong with a newfound gaze.

Because of how he usually acted, they often forgot, but this man was indeed one of Five Great Evil Sect and Nokrim King, who supposedly ruled over all the mountains of Jungwon.

How could the mountain path guided by such a person be dangerous?

"But hasn't Nokrim already withdrawn from Gangnam?"

At Tang Pae's question, Im Sobyeong smiled leisurely and fluttered his fan.

"Does that pose any kind of problem?"


"People may have withdrawn, but the mountains haven't disappeared. And no one in this world knows the mountains as well as Nokrim does."

Im Sobyeong clenched his outstretched hand.

"No one knows the mountains in Gangnam as thoroughly as I do. No matter how skilled Evil Tyrant Alliance may be, they cannot match me in the mountains."


If Im Sobyeong’s wisdom and the knowledge of Nokrim King were combined, it wasn't an impossible story. Just as everyone was about to be impressed, a dry voice came from the corner.

"So basically..."

It was Chung Myung. His face showed a look that seemed to ask, 'What's so great about that?'

"You're making it sound grand, but in the end, you're just bandit scum. When the empire army shows up, you're the first to tuck tail and run. So you're saying you know how to move around without getting caught like rats, right?"

"T- The terrain and hidden paths of the mountains..."

"That's exactly what I'm saying."

"Nokrim that rules all the mountains of Jungwon..."

"Rule, my ass."

Chung Myung snorted as if he found it ridiculous.

"You're not ruling all the mountains of Jungwon, you're just sniffing around mountains that others don't use. If you really ruled all the mountains, why would you set up a mountain stronghold on Mount Song? How happy would the lonely Shaolin fake monks be to have new neighbors?"


Soon, the people who had been amazed just moments ago started whispering to each other.

"Now that I think about it, it does seem a bit exaggerated."

"A bit? There are no mountain strongholds on Mount Wudang or Mount Hua either. None on Mount Jongnam..."

"Come to think of it, there's definitely no stronghold on any of the famous mountains."

"All the famous mountains are occupied by major sects, how could bandits enter those places?"

"Then it's a bit funny. They can't set foot on famous mountains like the Five Great Mountains, only setting up strongholds in mountains others don't enter, yet claiming to rule all the mountains of Jungwon..."

Namgung Dowi met Im Sobyeong's eyes and gave a strange smile. Im Sobyeong's hands trembled.

"Ahem! Of, of course, it's not all the mountains, but at least the ones in Gangnam, I have a firm grip on."

"A firm grip?"

Chung Myung chuckled.

"A guy who hides and sends someone else to take the fall so his identity doesn't get exposed saying this? Have you ever been there yourself?"


"Why do Evil Sects bastards always talk such big game as soon as they open their mouths? If only they brag a little less, the average lifespan of Evil Sects would be ten years longer. Tsk, tsk, tsk."

Baek Cheon tilted his head slightly and asked.

"Isn't that a good thing then?"


"Because Evil Sects would die quickly."


After hearing this, Chung Myung looked at Im Sobyeong again as if he saw some logic in it. Im Sobyeong’s face suddenly distorted.

“You call yourselves part of Righteous Sects! You lot are more wicked than what even Evil Sects would tolerate!”


As expected, Chung Myung cleanly ignored him and focused on the map Im Sobyeong had laid out.

"Anyway, so to sum it up."


"Crossing directly through Gangnam is far more dangerous than the other routes, but we'll arrive incredibly fast, right?"

"...That's right."

"A dangerous but fast route?"


"Yes, yes. Dangerous but fast, that's what I'm saying."

Chung Myung, repeating to himself, began to grin. At the same time, a heavy sense of unease settled over everyone's faces. In the end, they desperately turned to Baek Cheon, who had now become the acting sect leader of Mount Hua.

'Please do something about this.'

'That's your sect’s disciple!'

'You're the acting sect leader now, do something!'

Baek Cheon, unable to overcome the silent pressure, smiled awkwardly and spoke to Chung Myung.

"Chung Myung-ah, I... I can roughly guess what you're thinking... Um... There's no need to choose the dangerous path, right? Right?"

"Ei, Sasuk. I'm not an idiot."


"Why would I go that far?"

"R- Right?"

Baek Cheon's face lit up with relief. Thinking that this kid had finally grown up a bit, he let out a sigh of relief.

But at that moment, he caught sight of Chung Myung’s grinning face. It was ominously bright.

"Yeah, taking the longer route makes sense."

"...Right? That’s what I thought too..."

"I don't mind. As long as I travel comfortably, why would I have any complaints? Of course, we might take the sea route or the land route, going round and round, suffering all kinds of hardships, and when we finally arrive at Hainan, all we might see is Hainan with even its foundations uprooted, but is that really such a big problem?"

All you can see is Hainan, with its pillars uprooted, but is that really such a big deal?"


"We can go slowly, then. Knowing Jang Il-so's personality, once things settle down, he'll probably start by skinning those Haenam bastards alive, especially if he hears that we've split from Shaolin, he'll likely burn everything down without hesitation, right? But that’s none of our concern, yeah. After all, a sect should be defended by its own people.”

Cold sweat trickles down Baek Cheon's spine.

"It's okay, it's okay. The sect can still survive. Mount Hua once burned down spectacularly and revived, so why can't Hainan do the same? Don't worry, don't worry. Hainan is by the sea, so the pavilions aren’t as dry as Mount Hua did. At least the pillars will be left standing."

Now, cold sweat started to break out on the foreheads of the others as well.

"It's no big deal. Just spend about a hundred years as a third-rate sect and then rebuild. Once you’re down to around ten disciples, it’ll have that close-knit, family vibe."


"Ah, of course, Sasuk who became the acting sect leader by half-threatening the sect leader, and the former sect leader who stepped down after hearing talks of Chivalrousness and future, they might be pointed at as having made the most pathetic decision in the world. And while we're at it, Heavenly Comrade Alliance will probably be mocked as a bunch of idiots too. But hey, just because we don't want to hear that doesn't mean we have to take unnecessary risks, right?"

"S- Stop..."

"Ei. It's fine, Sasauk. It's not that big of a deal. What? Chivalriusness? Eii, that's something you only say in front of others! The world works like that, right? We go around saying things like, ‘We’ll risk our lives for Chivalrousness!’ but only when people are watching. But who follows through when no one's looking? Just make it look like we tried a little, and people will say, 'Well, at least these sons of a beast made an effort!' Right..."

"Let's go with the land route!"

"Cross the Yangtze River, damn it!"

"Go straight to Hainan! Go straight!"

"Everyone shut up! Just take the fastest route!"

The terrified group started to press Baek Cheon.

"Acting Sect Leader! Let's take the mountain path!"

"N- Namgung Sogaju. Please calm down first......"

"Do I look like I can calm down right now? If we don't save Hainan in time, Namgung's honor will be utterly ruined! Who’s going to take responsibility for that, huh? You? Acting Sect Leader?"


"No, wasn't the whole point of sending someone strong in martial arts to handle this? If someone dies while going to Gangnam because of Evil Tyrant Alliance, it's not Acting Sect Leader's fault. It’s the fault of whoever volunteered for this without being able to escape. So, let's just go!"

"No... When did you become so extreme...."

"It's not extreme, it's rational!"

Since when? Since when did that become rational?

"Hmm. The words are harsh, but there's nothing really wrong with what's being said."

Im Sobyeong subtly prodded Baek Cheon.

"Common sense says taking the safe route is best, but if we're talking about that, going to Hainan itself isn't very reasonable to begin with."

"That's true."

"It's a pretty insane idea."

"And wasn’t it the Acting Sect Leader who suggested this madness in the first place?"

Everyone's eyes were focused on Baek Cheon. Baek Cheon, startled and took a step back.

“But he’s nitpicking about this and that now.”

"You know those people, right? They make grand plans but when it's time to execute, they start to slowly back out."

Baek Cheon's tightly clenched fists trembled.

Of course, it wasn’t the subtle provocations from the various persons that made him angry. It was because of Chung Myung and Jo-Gol, who was hiding behind them, poking out their faces halfway and constantly chattering, ‘Sasuk's chickening out’.


At that moment, Yoon Jong, who had been silently lost in thought, opened his mouth.

"I understand your hesitation. But if you think about it, this isn't something to agonize over. No matter how good our decisions are, if we arrive at Hainan and everything’s already over, it will all have been in vain, won’t it?

"...You're right."

“We didn’t choose to go to Hainan because of the prestige of Heavenly Comrade Alliance or to represent our sects. It was because of our Chivalrousness that we couldn’t just leave Hainan, isolated and waiting to collapse, wasn’t it?”

Baek Cheon nodded in response to Yoon Jong’s words.

"I think Sasuk has already made a decision. But I also understand why you're deliberating until the very end. So let me speak as your disciple."


"Remember what Sasuk said. A Chivalrousness that doesn’t take risks is no true Chivalrousness. Conversely, those who uphold such Chivalrousness must naturally be prepared to take risks.”


Hye Yeon nodded in agreement, supporting Yoon Jong.

“Yoon Jong Dojang is correct, Acting Sect Leader.”


"Make the decision."

Everyone was now focused solely on Baek Cheon.

In fact, Baek Cheon wasn't the highest-ranking person present. Even though Baek Cheon was the acting sect leader of Mount Hua Sect, there are also the leader of Nokrim, Namgung Family, and Northern Sea Ice Palace.

In terms of rank, they were bound to push Baek Cheon back.

But there was not a hint of hesitation in the eyes looking at Baek Cheon. Everyone implicitly acknowledged that Baek Cheon was the decision-maker of this group.

And Baek Cheon nodded, accepting the responsibility without hesitation.

"Let's head to Hainan."


"By the fastest route."

At those words, grins spread across everyone’s faces. Baek Cheon was about to grin back at them.

“He actually agreed?”

"He must be out of his mind."

"And this yangban is supposed to become the sect leader of Mount Hua? The future of Mount Hua looks predictable.”

No, these bastards? Weren’t they the ones pushing for this route?

"Well... Can't be helped. If we’re told to go, we go.”

“If anyone dies, it’s all on Acting Sect Leader.”

"Ei. I met the wrong Sasuk and now I'm suffering like this."

Five Swords clicked his tongue and turned around. Baek Cheon was dumbfounded and his mouth gaped. But before he could find words to say, Chung Myung opened his mouth and summarized the situation.

"Anyway, that's the decision. Nokrim King."


"Make sure you guide us properly."

Chung Myung shot a cold, piercing gaze that seemed to cut right through a person. Im Sobyeong wiped the smile from his face and nodded firmly.

"I'll do my best."

"Good. Then let's go."

Everyone's gaze shifted to the vast expanse of the Yangtze River and the land beyond. That’s where they were headed now.

"So, where are we getting a ship?"

"Ship? What ship?"

"...We need a ship to cross the Yangtze, don’t we?"

"What kind of nonsense are you spouting? Why? Are you going to spread rumors around the neighborhood that we're on a ship heading to Gangnam?"


Chung Myung waved and gestured lazily toward the river with his chin.



“Quietly. Without making a sound. Gently. Without being noticed."



The shoulders of the group, staring at the muddy waters of the Yangtze River, slumped in unison.

The path of Chivalrousness was always long and arduous.

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Comments Box

  1. """ Thank you for the Chapter """
  2. CM really knows which buttons to press. The guy manipulates them as easily as he breathes. He still runs Mt. Hua in all but name.
  3. Thanks translator Nim
  4. poor baek cheon hes gonna be suffering a lot
    thanks for the chapter
  5. Cm still has his ways of mistreating Baek Cheon xd