Chapter 1129

Return of The Mount Hua – Chapter 1129. This is hell, this (4)

Editor: Hoamzz

Co-Translator: Xoxo


A voice shouting at the top of one’s lungs could be heard from the temporary sect leader quarter. Those passing by clicked their tongues and shook their heads.

“Here we go again.”

"Seriously, there's never a quiet day with that Chung Myung around."

"That's a talent in itself, a talent."

A mixture of amusement and concern briefly poured in toward the quarter, but that was it. No one was surprised. This is a daily occurrence on Mt. Hua, and in places where Mount Hua Sect resides.

"Does this even make sense! Huh?"

One of the people, who was about to hurry his steps with a bitter smile at the bursting screams, suddenly stopped and tilted his head.

“Wait a minute. Is that really Chung Myung?”

“Huh? What are you talking about? If not Chung Myung, then who?”

“The voice sounded different?”


Those who heard those words looked back at Hyun Jong's quarter. Without needing to strain their ears, they listened to the booming voice again.

"It's making me so angry! Huh? Me!"


At that moment, everyone's faces turned odd.


“Yes. This doesn't sound like Chung Myung?”

“Then who is it?”

“I- Isn’t that Sect Leader’s voice?”


Everyone was startled and stared blankly at the quarters.

"Say something, something!"




Those gathered in front of Hyun Jong’s quarter averted their gaze.

Tang Gun-ak, Maeng So, Im Sobyeong, Namgung Dowi, and for some reason even Han Yi-myung, who took Seol So-baek's place, did not dare to meet Hyun Jong's eyes.

“When kids fight and cause chaos!”


“The leaders of the sects should stop it! But you're just watching?"

“…That, um…Maengju-nim.”

Maeng So let out an embarrassed laugh.

"That was something Mount Hua Chivalrous Sword was supposed to handle..."

“Well said!”


“Can’t you see it over there? Over there?”

Hyun Jong, with his eyes half-crazed, pointed his finger to the side violently. In the place he pointed, Chung Myung, who had now become as pale as a corpse, was drooping down while leaning against the wall.

'W- What is that... Did he go ten days without food?'

'How did the dark circles under his eyes reach his chin?'

'Won’t he die like that?'

“Does that look like a human to you? This is the guy who came back laughing on his own two feet after taking down a bishop! And look at what shape he's in now!"


"You turn someone else's precious son into that? How dare these people!"

“Ca- Calm down, Sect Leader.”

Hyun Young, sweating nervously, tried to calm Hyun Jong, who had his sleeves rolled up.

“What are you talking about! Do I look like I can calm down right now?"

Baek Cheon gaped in shock as he looked at this bizarre situation.

'You really see more as you live longer. I never thought I'd live to see this day.'

Hyun Jong is taking Chung Myung's side angrily, while Hyun Young is trying to stop his anger. How can this happen unless the world is turned upside down?

Hyun Jong pushed away Hyun Young, who was clinging to him and glared at Tang Gun-ak with his eyes wide open.

“Please say something, Tang Gaju-nim!”

“K- Kuhum.”

"I understand using poison in a spar! But using poison just because of a squabble? Are you trying to pick a fight with Mount Hua now?"

“That… I have no excuse for that. But it wasn't lethal poison, and we've already given him the antidote..."

“Aah. You think it's fine to beat people up as long as you treat them after?"

"That's not what I meant..."

Tang Gun-ak quickly averted his gaze as if he had nothing more to say. No, how was he supposed to know that someone would use poison in, not even a spar, but a squabble at the dining hall?

If this had happened with any other sect, it wouldn't be surprising if it ended in a life-or-death brawl. It only ends with just this because the victims were Mount Hua.

“And, Beast Palace Gungju-nim!”

“Yes, Maengju-nim.”

“How on earth could you manage the beasts so poorly that they enter people’s houses and cause trouble, how!”


Maeng So laughed heartily as if it was nothing.

"Well, they're beasts, aren't they? If they knew how to behave, they'd be people."

However, it seemed that Hyun Jong had no intention of letting it slide with such a joke. Hyun Jong, with bloodshot eyes, glared at Maeng So.

"Do you find this funny?"

Maeng So quickly lowered his gaze.

“Well said! If you know that beasts are like that, shouldn't you manage them properly, manage! What were your warriors doing while the beasts were running amok?"

"I have no excuse for that..."

"Those beasts entered the village, ate up all the grain meant for the people, and devoured the livestock raised by the commoners. Chung Myung was screamed at until his eardrums nearly burst! Nearly burst!"

"He looks fine, though..."


“N- Nothing.”

Maeng So shrugged his shoulders in a way that did not suit his large size. They say kind people are scarier when angry, and this was exactly the case.


Hyun Jong, who was exuding murderous intent, turned his gaze to Im Sobyeong next. However, at that moment, Im Sobyeong spoke first.

"Hold on!"


With a confident face, he snapped open his fan.

“It seems like you’re trying to criticize us, but if you think about it, isn’t this unfair to us?”

"Did you just say unfair?"

“Yes! This time, those bastards of Tang Family were the ones who started the fight. No matter how lowly we Evil Sects bastards might be, aren't the ones who started the fight and used poison in the wrong? Should we just stand there and take it?"


When Hyun Jong paused for a moment as if speechless, Im Sobyeong did not miss the opportunity and pressed on.

"And Maengju-nim, you can't be serious. We Evil Sects guys have decided to clean up our act and live properly! Shouldn't you treat us with kindness? If you keep favoring Tang Family..."

“That’s not it!”


“Someone from the officials came by!”

“…The officials?”

Im Sobyeong tilted his head as if this was something out of the blue. His fan, which had been spread wide with confidence, drooped slightly.

Hyun Jong continued speaking, clearly showing his displeasure.

“Yes. I heard that there was a fight recently at a gambling house in the back alley of Kugang. The gamblers there beat up all the staff and even emptied the safe before running off."

“…N- No!”

Im Sobyeong shouted with a resentful face.

“What does that have to do with us?”

"...They were wearing green clothes with a tree pattern on the right side of their chests."

"Wow, they went there wearing that? Those crazy bastards..."


Hyun Jong struck the table with all his might.

“We came here to help the innocent commoners, and yet you went gambling? Gambling? Also! Gambling is fine! But why did they ransack the gambling house?! Why!"

Im Sobyeong smiled awkwardly.

“That… No, it’s not like we robbed innocent commoners. Those who run the gambling houses are like leeches who suck the blood of innocent commoners, so even if we rob those guys a little….”

"Then they should have given the money back to the commoners! That money came from them! What happened to that money?"

“…I’ll look into it.”


When Hyun Jong raised his hand, Im Sobyeong thought something was flying and ducked down. Then, he awkwardly raised his head.

What Hyun Jong pounded was his heart. His hands beat against it as if to quell the burning frustration inside him that might burn him to death.

“Ice Palace!”

“I’m- I’m sorry.”

Han Yi-myung, who was already half-frightened, slowly retreated as soon as the word “Ice Palace” came out.

“No, why didn’t Ice Palace Gungju himself come?”

"...There were some circumstances..."


Hyun Jong let out a deep sigh and glared at Han Yi-myung again.

"Let's ignore everything else for now. I specifically asked that there be no fights outside of sparring, yet how could Ice Palace get involved in a brawl? You acted like you would listen to me before, but I even heard that Ice Palace attacked Beast Palace first! How did this happen?"

“T- There’s a story behind that.”

“What story?"

Han Yi-myung answered, sweating profusely.

“In fact, our gungju did his best to prevent personal fights from breaking out as requested by Chung Myung Dojang. Yesterday, as soon as he heard that there was a fight between Beast Palace and Ice Palace, he rushed over to mediate."

“Gungju tried to stop them?”

“Yes! As Maengju-nim knows. How could our gungju disobey the request of Mount Hua Chivalrous Sword? Of course, he tried to stop the fight!"

“…But what happened? I clearly heard that Ice Palace attacked Beast Palace first.”

“That, that… Our gungju said, ‘Chung Myung Dojang said not to fight,’ and tried to stop both sides. But one of the thoughtless Beast Palace warriors ended up saying ‘Why would I care what that Taoist punk said?’ in front of gungju, and then.….”

"...And then?"

Han Yi-myung closed his eyes tightly.

“Well… Isn’t it obvious? Our gungju, who was blinded by the word ‘that Taoist punk’, beat up Beast Palace warrior who said that without asking any questions….”

When Five Swords heard that, they clapped their hands.

“Wow. Our So-baek has grown up.”

"And he even beat a warrior of Beast Palace. Wow, seems his skills have improved a lo-..."

“Shut up, you rascals!”

As Hyun Jong's scolding came to them, Five Swords hunched their shoulders. Hyun Jong, who barely suppressed his anger by exhaling deeply, asked.

"So that's why he didn't come here?"

“N- No. Well, he caused quite a ruckus and also got beaten up pretty badly, so he's bedridden."

“The- They beat up Ice Palace gungju?”

When Hyun Jong blinked and looked at Maeng So, Maeng So awkwardly rolled his eyes and scratched his nose.

"They didn't know he was the gungju because he's so young..."

“Haven't they met him before?”

"That... it was a brief encounter..."

Sure, they didn't recognize him. Those crazy Beast Palace guys.

"So? In the end, every sect ended up brawling without any exception?"

"…I’m sorry."

"We're truly ashamed."

"And amidst all this, the beasts raided the village, and the alleys that the beasts didn't enter were ransacked by bandits?"



“This level of chaos wouldn’t have happened even if the headquarters of Evil Tyrant Alliance were here! You-…!.”

"Whoa whoa! Sect Leader! Sect Leader!"

“Dignity! You must maintain your dignity!”

Hyun Sang and Hyun Young hastily covered Hyun Jong's mouth from both sides. It was extremely rude, but they could not bear to let those words come out of the mouth of Heavenly Comrade Alliance’s maengju.

While trying to stop Hyun Jong, Hyun Young spoke sharply in his place.

“How much chaos must you have caused for Chung Myung to lose his mind! I've never seen him bedridden in my life! Are you even thinking properly?"

Everyone turned their heads slightly and looked at Chung Myung.

Seeing him look like he had given up on everything stirred a sense of guilt, and they all clicked their tongues bitterly.

"Can't you hurry up and apologize?"

“K- Kuhum. I’m sorry, Mount Hua Chivalrous Sword.”

“I’m sorry, Dojang.”

“…I’m sorry.”

Chung Myung burst into a wide smile after hearing that apology. Though his smile was eerie on his half-dead face, it was still a smile...

“Just die, you bastards!”

“Uwa! Chung Myung!”

“Hold back, Chung Myung-ah!”

"They're sect leaders! You crazy bastard!”

When Chung Myung suddenly rolled his eyes and started to run wild, Five Swords, who had been waiting, immediately rushed in and suppressed him.

“Let go! Sect leaders? Sect leaders my ass! What kind of sect leaders are they!”

"Ca- calm down!"

Chung Myung eventually started foaming at the mouth and convulsing.

"I'm done! I'm done, you little shits! Heavenly Comrade Alliance or whatever, I’ll just do everything by myself! I'm ouuuuuuut!"

The pitiful screams of one crushed under the weight of his own self-made disaster echoed sorrowfully... so so sorrowfully throughout the manor.

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Total of the current advance chapter: 76


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Comments Box

  1. Chung myung can't handle them anymore
    • Actually he can if he just uses his brain a little,like hang illso unite evil sects by the combined forces of 10 great sects and five great family if he and other true master like Maeng So ,tang gunak comes out as enemy(CM might get beaten up if he has to face all six sect alone without support) in a sparring match force them to work together to defeat or even hope to defeat them,they won't have a choice but to work together putting aside their differences if they wants to survive.
  2. Poor pitiful Chungmyung lmao...Chungmyungism is spreading out nicely hahahah
  3. Hahaha. CM is so funny :)
  4. That ending was hilarious 😆😆😆
  5. """ Thank you for the Chapter """
  6. Thanks translator Nim
  7. Bro is suffering from his own creation 🤣
  8. They say you sow what you reap, i say "deserve" to Chung Myung