Eps 201

Eps 201 Divine Mercy (6)

Shirone trembled as he stood up. Even though the weight per unit area had dropped to below 70%, it was impossible without the mental strength of the Indestructible Diamond.

The divine subjects stared at him in astonishment. It was shocking to see the small Shirone standing up, as if he were large-built like Rian.

“You give even your lives to God. You do whatever is commanded. But just one second? If one second is so insignificant to you! Then, that so-called god cannot even grant one second of mercy to those who believe in him?”

Ikirin clenched her teeth hard.

159 to 159.

The ratio of belief and doubt was exactly equal. If even one more count dropped, her authority would vanish.

Rian’s movements became much lighter. Having endured a weight close to 100%, he could easily handle around 50% and still wield his greatsword.

Rian abandoned the statue and struck the glass orb filled with black liquid. As he hit it repeatedly, it split open with a cracking sound and a stream of water leaked out.

“Damn it! Damn it!”

The more he struck, the more anxious he became. The drowning of the divine subjects could not be prevented based on the amount leaking from the cracks alone.

The divine subjects swallowed dry saliva as they watched the tightrope walk between life and death.

It was clear that it would have a negative impact on Ikirin. This is because humans basically want to take the side of the weak.

Ikirin used her last resort.

“Do not be deceived! My scales of heart are judging you! If anyone has the slightest doubts here, I will personally cut off your lifespan by 50 years!”

The fear, the most effective means of maintaining power, immediately restored the divine subjects' belief.

216 to 102.

Her authority began to rapidly recover.

As the weight increased, Shirone’s knees buckled again. He gritted his teeth and tried to endure, but it was impossible.

The most agonizing fact was that he could feel the divine subjects' attitudes shifting back.


At that moment, Canya walked towards Shirone.

Her face was deathly pale. With her mother submerged in the dark water, how could she remain sane?

"Really… Can you save her? My mom. Can she smile and leave us while we, me, Lena, and dad, watch?”

The divine subjects looked back and forth between Canya and the glass orb.

Smiling as they leave in front of their family. The time needed for that was one second.

“Of course. Your mother’s time has not come yet. You can meet again and smile.”

Tears streamed down Canya’s cheeks. It no longer mattered what happened.

She just wanted to see her mom. She wanted to see her mother, whom she had seen in the morning, just one more time.

“Then please save my mom, Shirone. Please save my mom. I don’t want it. I don’t want my mom to become a giant.”

27 to 291.

Ikirin widened her eyes from the shock hitting her brain. Her authority had fallen to the depths.

Before she could even let out a gasp, the Price of False Authority was activated.

She plummeted vertically and landed on her knees on the ground. She couldn’t move a single finger.

“Now! Everyone, go and stop it!”

As soon as the weight disappeared, Shirone and the others jumped out, stamping their feet as if plowing the ground.

Time was tight. No, they were already beyond the limit.

Rian swung his sword with full force and shattered the glass orb.

Amy turned off the liquid tank switch.

When Tess thrust her rapier into the gap of the device, an explosion occurred from within.

Family members rushed in and pulled the subjected out of the broken glass orbs. However, they were covered in sticky liquid, making it difficult to check their condition.

The divine subjects approached with tense expressions. If they were dead, the disintegration would have already begun.

They didn’t have the courage to witness such a horrific sight their own eyes.

The family began peeling off the liquid. Gradually, the skin color was revealed, and the eyes, nose, and lips appeared.

Fortunately, the disintegration hadn’t started. Canya’s face was drenched in tears upon finding her mother.

“Mom, Mom!”

Although her mother wasn’t dissolved in the liquid, she wasn’t breathing. Canya’s father rushed over and began performing CPR.

When the airway was opened and pressure was applied to the stomach, the viscous liquid regurgitated, and her mother coughed it out.

The divine subjects cheered.

At this moment, there was no law in their minds. Only the joy of a life returning to the embrace of family.

Dong. Dong. Dong.

The bell signaling the end of the Ilhwa Elixir ritual rang out.

A reverent silence flowed through the central square.

The revived subjected looked at the bell while being supported by their families. According to the law, today was supposed to be their last day, but none of them had died yet.

Era of Turbulence (1)

The bell tolled twelve times.

The sound of the bell left an unforgettable memory in the hearts of the divine subjects gathered in the central square.

They were still divine subjects and followed the laws of Ra, but it was unclear whether they would continue to do so in the future.

“Chief! Are you alright?”

Peope flew to Ikirin.

Seeing Ikirin with her knees crushed, Peope felt guilty. She was ashamed of herself for doing nothing while her comrades were fighting.

Ikirin forced a smile, as if to comfort her junior’s frightened heart.

“I’m alright. It’s the cost of the destroyed Rule Eater. It’s something I have to endure. Are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m perfectly fine.”

“Thank goodness.”

Peope could not bear to look Ikirin in the eyes.

Even though she probably knew that Peope didn't participate in the battle, she didn't even scold him and instead showed concern for her safety.

The chief, who always felt burdensome to approach, was now someone Peope couldn’t help but acknowledge.

Ikirin looked at the square with troubled eyes.

The tilted statue, the shattered glass orb, the device spewing black smoke.

The Ilhwa Elixir had been completely repudiated. Today was an unprecedented day in heaven.

‘This could have a bigger impact than when Miro came.’

The woman named Miro was much stronger than the blonde boy. But because of that, she didn’t act recklessly. She was someone who understood better than anyone the repercussions her actions could have on Heaven.

‘What will happen now? An era of turbulence is coming. From today onwards, Heaven will change.’

Peope suddenly stepped in front of Ikirin, taking a fighting stance. Shirone and his group were approaching.

Ikirin wouldn’t be able to move for the next 24 hours. Moreover, her knees were shattered. No matter what situation comes, she must not be afraid this time.

“G- Go away! The fight is over! But if you still want to fight, I will face you myself!”

Ikirin dissuaded Peope.

“It’s alright, Peope. I also want to talk to this boy.”

Embarrassed, Peope stepped aside and stood next to Ikirin.

Shirone crouched down to meet her eyes level as much as possible.

He only saw the flying fairies, and it was only when he saw them on the ground that he realized their size.

Indeed, they were only a handful.

Ikirin lifted her chin as if she had nothing to be ashamed of and spoke.

"Hmph! Child from the earthly world, the law of God has not been denied because I have lost. I am only a senior member of the 72 ranks of fairies, so today’s victory will not deify you.”

“That doesn’t matter. I just wanted to save the life of someone who helped me. Is that so wrong?”

Ikirin didn't think it was wrong. However, considering the impact it would have on Heaven in the future, it wasn’t a straightforward issue.

Is one life more trivial than ten? Probably not. But what about a billion lives? What judgment would you make for ten billion lives?

Miro knew this. That’s why she retreated from Heaven. In the cruel reality of having to sacrifice one person for the many, she found the only answer.

But this boy wasn’t like that. He didn’t consider efficiency when doing the right thing. He was of the opinion that human life cannot be valued.

Extreme righteousness.

Ikirin felt the same sentiment that Arcane once did.

“Leave this place.”

It was the only thing Ikirin could say.

“You have brought chaos to Heaven. Even I can't predict what will happen next. So leave. Disappear from our world as soon as possible.”

“But we...”

Before Shirone could finish speaking, a red light flashed in the east.

The group turned to look with shocked expressions.

A flash of light surged from the Second Heaven, Rakia. Judging by the distance, it was an immense release of energy.

Everyone in the square covered their ears.

A vibration that felt like the end of the world shook the sky.

As if an awl was being driven into the ground, a red flash struck the center of the square. As the flash disappeared, an angel with torn wings of light appeared.

Ikirin's pupils shook with shock.

“The Fallen Angel Ikasa... Why are you here?”

The Second Heaven, Rakia, was a place of exile for fallen angels.

Beings of the Second Heaven were permitted to enter the First Heaven, but it was extremely rare for fallen angels to enter the realm of divine subjects. This was because their pride, once residents of the Sixth Heaven, didn’t allow interaction with humans.

Ikirin realized that the seed of chaos planted by Shirone was already beginning to change the laws of Heaven.

“I am Ikasa, a lower-ranked angel. I descended to this land after witnessing the sacrilege of the sacred Ilhwa Elixir.”

Shirone couldn't stop his body from trembling.

Standing over two meters tall with sharp eyes, Ikasa still retained a semblance of the beauty from his days as an angel, but his temperament was entirely different from what Shirone had expected. (The gender is uncertain.)

If the angel Shirone had seen at Nors Shelter reminded him of a brilliant sun, the angel before him now exuded the atmosphere of a setting sun.

“You are the one who defied God. Despicable beings. Foolish creatures who mock God without even knowing the love they receive.”

Ikasa glared at Shirone with hatred.

Fallen angels were beings of Second Heaven, and therefore had a lower status than the humans of Third Heaven, Shehakim, who had gained eternal life.

Being inferior to giants or fairies was one thing, but being considered lower than humans was intolerable. How could the gods cherish humans so dearly?

The anger he had harbored for 20,000 years was on the verge of erupting.

“I will judge you on behalf of God.”

Ikasa’s holy light body expanded into a one-meter diameter halo. The huge ring of light became a rail and accelerated the particles of light that twinkled like stars.

Ikirin’s face turned pale. Although fallen angels had most of their powers stripped due to their sins, their remaining power was still beyond what people of Shamain could handle.

“Ikasa-nim! No! If a fallen angel opens the halo...!”

“Hohoho! The heretics will die anyway! Recognize the glory of having this body take care of it for you!”

Shirone's mind drifted far away from the energy rising from Ikasa's body.

He felt an insurmountable difference in power. This was impossible. Such a being shouldn’t exist in this world.

Shirone turned around with all his strength. It felt as if time was flowing slowly, like he was under a Slow magic. The air exhaled from his lungs hadn’t yet reached his throat.

Finally, when he was ready to make a sound, only one thought filled Shirone’s mind.


Arin was already holding the Meta Gate, ready to activate the device.

But even for her, one second was unbearably long.

Quickly! Faster! Even though she only had to press the button with her finger, the distance of 2 centimeters was not reduced.

A gust of wind blew behind Shirone. The Meta Gate, which was in Arin’s hand, disappeared like magic.

The group halted in stunned silence.

Ikasa, standing next to Arin with his left hand on his waist, was inspecting the Meta Gate before his eyes.

It wasn’t that he was invisible. Nor was he as fast as light or swift as the wind.

But he was undeniably fast.

His speed was somewhere between that of a living being and nature. It proved that from the moment they were born, they were different from humans.


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