Eps 194

Infinite Mage

Eps 194 Ilhwa Elixir (3)

“Peope-nim! Please forgive us! Combining my and Lena's lifespans, that's a reduction of 80 years. I forced my sister into this. So, please, if possible, lessen her punishment at least!"

"What's the problem with 40 years? After all, one can hardly live past 60 years, right? In 5 years, one could sufficiently accomplish what they desire, couldn't they?"

What determines biological characteristics is lifespan. Fairies have reason like humans, but because they live long lives, their way of thinking is completely different.

Fairies are afforded ample time to rectify mistakes. So, although they was stubborn and honest, they had no way of understanding the feelings of a human being with a limited lifespan.

Just as humans can't appreciate the preciousness of an hour to a mayfly.

Especially for Peope, who was only a year old, death was merely a concept to ponder over a millennium later.

Canya's mother prostrated herself on the floor. She was aware that the newly appointed bylaws were clumsy, but she never dreamed that Peope would make such a disastrous verdict.

"Peope-nim, you are an Enforcer of Law. However, no fairy in the realm has ever imposed such a harsh punishment. Even I was only penalized 20 years. Please reconsider."

"What? Are you disrespecting me because I'm only a year old? I'm well aware! An Enforcer of Law has the authority to decide on a lifespan reduction up to 50 years. Are you challenging my inherent rights?"

"If you've really decided on that verdict, please explain the rationale."

“Hmph, fine! Then let me tell you this! Canya and Lena's unauthorized departure from heaven is a 20-year reduction! And the remaining 20 years are for bringing in heretics! If this is the case, there will be no complaints, right?”

Peope said, pointing to Shirone and the others. Although she did not receive a report that a heretic had entered, there was no problem in her judgment as she came here and confirmed it with her own eyes.

"Peope-nim! These people are not heretics! This boy here is a Nephilim."

“Yes, Nephilim?”

Peope scrutinized Shirone closely.

Is he really Nephilim?

Descendants of angels. One who is free from the law. The innate knowledge given at birth passed through her mind.

As fairies aren't Tuners of Law, so they can only hold others accountable for sins within established laws. Therefore, it was true that no punishment could be inflicted on the Nephilim.

Nevertheless, Peope did not back down.

As the youngest of 48,000 fairies in the 72nd class of fairies, she recalled the verbal abuse she suffered from her senior sisters every day. If she went back without being able to establish her authority here, she would be a subject of ridicule until the next youngest was born.

"Changing the crime doesn't alter the fact! I'll let the Nephilim slide! But not everyone can be a Nephilim! Therefore, the penalty for bringing in heretics remains!"

Canya’s mother raised her head and retorted.

“They are not Nephilim, but companions of Nephilim. To label them as heretics contradicts the Law."

"Silence! A mere divine subject dares to debate Law with an Enforcer! I am executing the will of Ra. Opposing me is akin to opposing the god!"

"Wait a moment."

When Shirone, who was kneeling, stood up, Poepe looked back at him with her arms crossed.

Fighting with the Nephilim was not a good thing, but even Nephilim had no authority to intervene in the execution of the Law.

"What? If you're obstructing the execution, I won't forgive you."

"No, I'm trying to correct a misconception. We weren't brought here by that girl. We simply followed her. Doesn't that mean you can't hold her responsible?"

"What are you saying? Followed?"

"I happened to find this girl outside of Heaven. I simply followed her in when the door opened. Being free from the law, I can go anywhere. That's why I barged into this house for dinner. Therefore, these two sisters are not at fault."

"Who would believe such a lie?"

“Then prove it. I want you to show me proof that what I said is false.”

The Meca system in Heaven catches any small variable, but it cannot read emotions.

The situation of Shirone's group entering with Canya is verified by numerous pieces of information, but deciphering their relationship was a stretch. All of this happened because Shirone was a Nephilim.

Peope rolled his eyes around.

She have to find another way somehow. If the rumor spreads that she were played around by human words, she will be made fun of for a thousand years.

"Fine. In that case, I will restore 20 years to Canya and Lena's lifespans. And I will permit the entry of the Nephilim. However, the rest, being clear violators of the law, will have their lifespans reduced. You there, start by telling me your name."

Peope pointed at Arin.

Of course, Arin didn't answer.

The exact mechanism is unknown, but it seemed like a name was essential for the ability to grant lifespan. Arin wasn't foolish enough to boldly write her name in the book of life and death.

"Nope. Why should I tell you my name?”

"These really are! You’re such a shallow heretic that you don’t know the fear of fairies!”

Shirone said with a disapproving expression.

"What do you think of human life? You too will die someday.”

“I am fairy. Human life cannot compare to me! Besides, I've only lived for a year! There's plenty, plenty of time left until my lifespan ends."

Shirone snorted.

The future is called so because it eventually arrives. That's why those who have lived before are respected, and those who pass away are mourned.

Peope seemed not to understand that the concept of the future is an immutable property.

No, she probably had never even considered it.

She said she was one year old. Comparing that to a human's one year, it was apparent how immature she was.

Peope placed her hands on her hips and said.

"Fine, if that's how you want to play it? For not disclosing your names, you will be judged by those higher than me. And Canya and Lena, for harboring disrespectful heretics, will be penalized an additional 30 years, making it a total of 50 years reduction in lifespan for both!"

Canya's family was devastated.

If 50 years were deducted, Canya would die instantly once the law was executed.

Since the person actually executing the death sentence was the highest rank of the 72 fairy classes, she would not die immediately, but it was a self-evident fact that once the report was made, it would be processed within a few hours.

Poepe, who had been evaluating his own decision, turned around as if he had completed another difficult task today.

"That concludes the judgment. I'll be leaving now."

Peope's flight towards the door halted.

Rian and Tess were blocking the door. Shirone and Amy surrounded her on both sides.

"Hmm, you're trying to overpower me by force? Me, a fairy?"

“There’s nothing one can’t do. Think of it as catching a mere sparrow."

"Really? Then try."

Peope glared fiercely.

At that moment, Rian's expression contorted as he gripped the hilt of his great sword. There was a strange force at work, twisting his arm. When Tess, unaware of situation, held onto Rian's shoulder, she also felt the same pain.

"Hoho! If you don’t get out of the way quickly, it will break.”

The fairy's ability, being a single-concept entity, has many similarities to Rule Eater. The idea is to expand the concept and use it like magic.

Peope was born from the Spiral and as such was able to dominate all things related to twisting. It was difficult to endure even for Rian, who had the same physical strength as a Schema user.

However, as the body began to carry out the brain's instructions 100%, the body began to move little by little. As he swung the great sword, the power of the Spiral was broken and Peope stumbled.

Tess took advantage of the opportunity and stabbed with her rapier.

Peope, who flew into the sky and dodged, looked at her in disbelief.

Schema. The technique of giants.

Fairies and giants are the two main axes that maintain this world. Therefore, even though they were equal according to the Law, each secretly believes in their superiority. Therefore, in any situation, being defeated by a giant's technique was a blow to one's pride.

"Really, these people!"

Peope moved so fast that she could have drawn pictures with her afterimages.

As Rian and Tess's movements overlapped, a gap in movement occurred.

Seizing that moment, Peope applied spiral force to the door. The center of the iron door crumpled clockwise, breaking the latch, and the door panel fell off.

“Hohoho! Stupid! Goodbye then!"

Rushing towards the outside, Peope felt something was off. Her speed was decreasing for some reason.

As Shirone approached from the front and she flew upwards, even that movement was slow.

When she realized time was flowing slower, she was already caught in Shirone's grasp.

Shirone deactivated the magic Slow and held Peope before him. The captured fairy looked dazed.

"How did you manipulate time?"

Controlling time is an aspect of light magic. But there was no light in the room to amplify magic.

Knowledge flowed through Peope's mind. Nephilim are descendants of angels. And angels... are rulers of light.


Peope grimaced. She struggled to escape, but Shirone's grip was stronger.

No, it was that a fairy's physical strength was weaker.

The strength of fairies specializing in mental strength was the lowest among the laws.

“Let go! Let go of me!”

Peope's struggles weren't even ticklish.

Then, she bit down and cast a magic. The moment spiral power was imbued, Shirone tightened his grip.

Peope's eyes widened as the air in her belly burst out through her mouth.

"Haah! Stop! My stomach's going to burst!"

"Return the family's lifespan back to normal."

Peope's face, which had been shedding tears, turned cold.

"Hmph! You think threatening me will work? But it's no use. I may report to the higher-ups, but I'm not the one who executes. Since you attacked the Enforcer of the Law, even if you are a Nephilim, you will not leave unscathed. It would be better to release me quickly.”

"Threat? I could kill you."

If they fail to change Peope's mind, Canya will die. He couldn't deny responsibility for that.

As he tightened his grip, Peope's complexion turned pale. Yet, she did not abandon her dignity as an Enforcer.

"K- Kill me. I'm not afraid at all."

The more Peope was pressured, the stronger the pulse felt.

She was a fragile being. It seemed almost too easy to crush her as a joke.

She was afraid.

“You’re not scared? Then why are you trembling?"

Peope, who was ridiculed, raised his eyes fiercely.

“The annihilation of existence is scary for everyone! Knowing this and still choosing death! Don't compare me to inferior humans like you!"

“Then die.”

“Kill! Go ahead and kill me! I can die as much as you want!"

Shirone lifted Peope. Dropping her to the floor would mean instant death.

Peope's trembles became stronger. Just imagining a small body with a burst gut made him feel unpleasant.

Peope burst into sorrowful tears.

It was just a year lived. Even his dream of becoming number one in the 72nd class of fairies ended today.

As Peope's tears ran down his hand, Shirone grimaced.

How should one accept this world, where even fundamental values are dominated?

"Choosing death despite fear? Why? Why can't you think any differently?"

"Hmph! A human like you wouldn't understand! But I won't say anything! As an Enforcer of law, I won't succumb to humans!"

"Alright. If you've given up on life, you're as good as dead anyway, so I'll easily take your life."

Peope's face was smeared with tears.

She hoped for mercy. But what should she do, being told her life and death in his hands and stated that he will kill her?

Should she get down no her kness and beg? It was unthinkable for an Enforcer of law to submit to a mere human.

"Fine! Kill me! Just do it already!"

"But if you ask to be spared, I will spare you."


Executioner of Law changed to Enforcer of Law.

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