Chapter 1029

Return of The Mount Hua – Chapter 1029. But please understand. (4)

Editor: Hoamzz

Co-Translator: Xoxo

Hye Pyeong (혜평(慧平)), watching the setting sun from afar, couldn't help but sigh. Recently, a sense of suffocation had been lingering within him.

'I don't know what I'm doing anymore.'

Hye Pyeong could not understand why he had to leave Seong Mountain and spend so much time on the faraway Yangtze River. No matter how many times he heard the phrase “to keep that Evil Tyrant Alliance in check,” it did not resonate with him.

After all, what they had done since coming to the Yangtze was merely to observe from a distance the events unfolding on Plum Blossom Island.

In reality, it was Heavenly Comrade Alliance, not Shaolin, who fought the Water Fortress. Thus, the argument that they couldn't leave the Yangtze to confront Evil Tyrant Alliance felt empty.

Hye Pyeong, who was looking at the deep sunset, sighed again and opened his mouth.


"…What is it?"

Hye Gong (혜공(慧空)), who was standing guard along with him, answered without turning his head.

"Do you think Hye Bang Sahyung has safely arrived at Seong Mountain?"


Hye Gong's answer was not immediately heard. After a moment, a heavy voice came back.

"Why? Do you want to go back to Seong Mountain too?"

“It’s not like that, but… it’s just….”

Hye Pyeong stopped speaking and let out a deep sigh.

“I don’t know, Sahyung. It is true that Hye Bang Sahyung was rude to Bangjang, but I wonder if it was truly a mistake worthy of the Penance Cave....”

“The decision to enter the Penance Cave was decided by Hye Bang Sahyung himself. It’s not a matter of right or wrong.”

"…Yes, of course."

Hye Gong finally turned his gaze to look at Hye Pyeong.

"Do you regret not following him?"

Hye Pyeong closed his mouth.

To be honest, he wanted to follow Hye Bang and return to Seong Mountain. The orders they had received from Bangjang since arriving at the Yangtze were incomprehensible to him.

He knew.

It will all be for Shaolin. No one doubts that Bop Jeong's choice was based solely on concerns about Shaolin.


"I was taught that a monk should not hesitate to become fodder for the sake of all beings."


"Then, what about us…?"

"That's enough."

Hye Gong did not listen to Hye Pyeong any longer and cut his words off.

"Even if you have doubts, don't voice them so readily. Words once spoken cannot be taken back."


“If you have something to think about, think about it deeply, and speak it out only when you are convinced that your thoughts are not completely wrong. Otherwise, it's merely a delusion."

“I will keep this in mind, Sahyung.”

A deep sigh escaped Hye Pyeong’s mouth.

He thinks about it once in a while. The reason he couldn't follow Hye Bang wasn't because he simply lacked courage. Perhaps it was because he was afraid of going against Bangjang's orders and acting independently.

'Maybe I'm not qualified.'

He was a monk who pledged to sacrifice his body for the well-being of all beings, but he could not do what he thought was right for fear of the wrath of Bangjang. Does he have the right to question whether Bop Jeong is right or wrong?

It was precisely when Hye Pyeong was sinking into his inner turmoil that Hye Gong spoke.

“Someone is coming.”


Hye Pyeong raised his head and looked at those approaching the manor.


Who else would seek them out at this time as the day fades?

Hye Pyeong's face hardened as he remembered the words, "Good people do not come." (선자불래(善者不來))


But soon a confused voice came out of his mouth.

It was because among those who were approaching, the one at the forefront of them seemed familiar.

"Sahyung. That man…. No, is that?”

"…It seems so."

Hye Gong’s face also hardened.

'Why would he come here?'

The person approaching was none other than Hyun Jong of Mount Hua.

Of course, there is no reason why Hyun Jong cannot visit this place. However, considering the current relationship between Shaolin and Mount Hua, it was undeniably an awkward visit.

"What brings him here…"

"Don’t act rashly."

Hye Gong calmed down Hye Pyeong.

"Welcome him with proper respect."

“Yes, Sahyung.”

In those short words, Hye Gong's respect for Hyun Jong was felt. Although it is true that the relationship between Shaolin and Mount Hua has become strained, regardless of affiliation, Hyun Jong is a person who undoubtedly deserves respect and esteem as a person of Kangho.

As Hyun Jong approached them, Hye Gong bowed politely and greeted them.

"We welcome the Sect Leader of Mount Hua."

Hyun Jong also bowed his head deeply while holding his hand. It was a courtesy that came out naturally.

"I am Hyun Jong of Mount Hua. Please understand this sudden visit without a message. We are so sorry for the inconvenience this may cause."

“No, Sect Leader. It’s not an inconvenience."

Hye Gong shook his head and inquired softly.

"May I ask the reason for your visit?"

Hyun Jong took a short breath and opened his mouth.

"I have come to discuss a matter. I, Hyun Jong of Mount Hua... No, please tell Bangjang that Hyun Jong of Heavenly Comrade Alliance requested a meeting.”

“…Bangjang, is it?”


A look of embarrassment flashed across Hyegong’s face.

Bop Jeong is currently not accepting visits from outsiders. However, the person who stands in front of them is a person who is an outsider but cannot be dismissed as a mere outsider.

Maengju of Heavenly Comrade Alliance visited in person, so what use are all the principles?

Hye Gong thought for a moment and nodded.

"I apologize for the inconvenience, but could Maengju-nim please wait here for a moment? Bangjang is not currently receiving visits from outsiders, so I need to inform him of Maengju-nim’s visit and seek his permission."

"I can wait as long as necessary."

"Thank you. Then, if you'll excuse me."

Hye Gong signaled to Hye Pyeong and quickly opened the door to go inside.

Hyun Jong, who was watching this, looked at the manor with a profoundly serene gaze.

“Sect Leader.”

Hyun Young, who was standing behind him, hinted in a tone of concern.

"Wouldn't it be better to reconsider your approach now? At least make an appointment first. It won't look good to others if we rush here and cling desperately. If we are turned away as is, we'll become a laughingstock."

According to the etiquette of Kangho, they wouldn’t have a leg to stand on if they were to be turned away. However, even though Hyun Jong knew this, he chose to run first.

"I know."


"But now is not the time to worry about such things."

Instead of looking at Hyun Young, Hyun Jong stared at the quiet manor.

- Please just understand.

He can't save face since he understands. As he understands, he had no time for procedures. The fact that he becomes a laughingstock is not worth a penny compared to the sacrifice of those who are losing their lives at this very moment.


"The situation in Gangnam is one thing, but..."

Hyun Jong bit his lip slightly.

"I'm worried about how long that child will hold out."

“…Are you talking about Chung Myung?”


“No matter how special Chung Myung is, he won’t be able to disobey Sect Leader’s orders. If such a thing happens, he must be strictly punished."

Although Hyun Young always wrapped Chung Myung in protective wings, but he showed firmness in this matter. It is because it may be something that shakes the foundation of the sect and alliance.

But Hyun Jong had different thoughts.

"Testing whether one follows or not by creating an impossible situation is not something a Taoist should do."

"...You're right, but..."

"The best course is to find a better way for each other. I do not wish to be a leader who oppresses my disciples. I want to be a leader they can trust."

Hyun Young nodded.

But even if their hearts were like this, it was questionable how Shaolin would come out....

Just then.

Hye Gong came back out quickly and politely greeted Hyun Jong.

"Bangjang has agreed to see Sect Leader. I will lead the way."

"Thank you."

Hyun Jong stepped into the manor with a nervous look on his face.

Hyun Jong's hand on his knee slightly twitched as if he was uncomfortable.

Did they say that the definition of a relationship is revealed when facing each other?

In that sense, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the relationship between the person sitting in front of him and Hyun Jong is the worst. Even if Southern Edge Sect’s Sect Leader is sitting in front of him right now… No, even if Jang Ilso were sitting there, he wouldn't feel this uncomfortable.

However, the other person's expression was relaxed, as if he did not feel any discomfort even with Hyun Jong in front of him.


The person sitting in front of Hyun Jong opened his mouth leisurely, filling the teacup in front of him.

"What brings Maengju of Heavenly Comrade Alliance to seek this monk out?"

Steam rose gently from the teacup. Hyun Jong, who was watching the steam dissipating, unconsciously suppressed the sigh that was about to escape.

In fact, his relationship with Bop Jeong was not like this from the beginning. When Hyun Jong first saw Bop Jeong at Murim Competition, such animosity didn’t exist.

No, perhaps there was a bit of admiration as well. He is the leader of Tai Mountain Kangho’s Northern Star Shaolin, and he runs the world from a position that Hyun Jong cannot dare to touch.

But now...


Bop Jeong smiled as if he had guessed what Hyun Jong was thinking.

“It’s been a few years since we first met.”

“...Yes, Bangjang.”

“I think I sat across from you and poured tea for you back then too.”

“That’s right. I still remember what Bangjang said back then.”

“Hmm, what did I say back then...”

Hyun Jong quietly looked at Bop Jeong and opened his mouth.

"Bangjang said this when Bangjang saw me, who was elated by the tea that Bangjang was pouring. A tea is just a tea. Whether it’s brewed by an emperor or a commoner, it’s just tea.”

Bop Jeong nodded heavily.

“At that time, those words really touched me. Even the same words can carry different weights depending on who speaks them. Hearing it from Bangjang of Shaolin, it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.”

The corners of Bop Jeong's eyes twitched slightly.

Maybe Hyun Jong was just unpacking his thoughts from the past. But to Bop Jeong's ears, it sounded as if he was asking, ‘Are you truly the same as you were back then?’

What is it like? Are Bop Jeong then and Bop Jeong now really the same people?

Bop Jeong didn’t particularly want to answer that question. He simply said,

“Trees just stand there, but the wind does not leave them be.”

Hyun Jong nodded as if he agreed with that statement.

“The ways of the world are truly amusing, aren’t they, Maengju?”

Bop Jeong said with a grin.

“Who could have guessed back then that we’d become so awkward even to share a cup of tea?”

“It’s embarrassing, to say the least.”

After a moment of awkward silence, Bop Jeong looked at the teacup in silence. The tea that had been steaming hot gradually cooled down. People are like that too. Time changes everything even if you don't do anything.

"Right. What brings you here? It must not have been easy to decide to visit.”

Hyun Jong sighed softly in response to Bop Jeong's question.

“Have Bangjang heard what happened in Gangnam?”

“You are referring to the message from Evil Tyrant Alliance.”

“Yes, Bangjang. The resurgence of Magyo.”

Hyun Jong emphasized the word ‘Magyo’. But upon hearing those words, Bop Jeong just smiled serenely.

“Are Maengju here to discuss the matter?”

"That's right."

Hyun Jong swallowed dry saliva.

From the fact that he came to visit Bangjang in the first place, Hyun Jong had already come bowing his head down. If Bop Jeong were to know that fact, no one knew what he would say using this fact as an excuse.

However, the words that Bop Jeong said in response were completely beyond Hyun Jong's expectations.

"You've come at the right time."


Hyun Jong's eyes widened his eyes slightly in response to the unexpected reaction.

Bop Jeong simply smiled warmly and nodded continuously.

"I was just thinking that I should personally visit you in person and discuss the situation, but I can’t thank you enough for coming here. Indeed, Maengju has a broad heart befitting the leader of Heavcnly Comrade Alliance."

"Ah... It’s not such a significant matter."

"The matter regarding Magyo is certainly of great importance, warranting the attention and action of the entire Kangho. Of course, we must discuss it."

"Yes, that's correct."

For a moment, Hyun Jong suddenly wondered whether he had been misunderstanding Bop Jeong. It occurred to him that the selfishness he showed might in fact be a misunderstanding caused by his different ways of thinking about Kangho's safety.

But then.


A small smile appeared on Bop Jeong's lips.

"There is one small problem, Maengju."

It was a somewhat unfamiliar smile.

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Comments Box

  1. """ No way this bastard is thinking of his ego when the lives of jianghu is at stake
    Thank you for the Chapter """
  2. I mean what did Mt. Hua really expect Shaolin to do at this point? Admit that they were wrong?
  3. Ahhhh this baldy is not going to listen until he is 6 foot down or what!?
  4. This fake monk would fit so well in evil sects
  5. Where’s Chung Myung when you need him? Can someone just tie this fake monk up and drag him to the Magyo? Please? I know he won’t die cuz he’s an annoying little cockroach but I can hope can’t I?