Chapter 1024

Return of The Mount Hua – Chapter 1024. What did you say just now? (9)

Editor: Hoamzz

Co-Translator: Xoxo

“Sto- Stop them!”

The moment Dan Jagang started his charge, a scream-like voice burst from the mouths of the Black Demon Fortress elites.

Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold was someone they had to protect at all costs. The thought, like it had been ingrained in them through brainwashing over many years, told them to immediately block Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold's path and try to protect him.

But their feet did not move as readily as their mouths.

The bloodlust emanated from their eyes.

The dark demonic energy swirling around the man’s body.

It seems as if the vengeful spirits of those killed by Dan Jagang are hovering around him. The horrifying and devastating sight grabbed them by the ankles.

Their reason to fight and their instinct to live repeatedly clashed.

At that moment, the elites of Black Ghost Fortress proved their worth. Those who had overcome their instinctive fear flew in and blocked Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold's path.

But the right choice doesn't always lead to the right outcome.


Dan Jagang's swung hand struck the head of the person blocking his path squarely.


With a tremendous explosion, the shattered skull was scattered in all directions like shrapnel.

Although they were small bone fragments, barely the size of a finger, the power contained in them shattered the raised protective internal strength like a piece of paper. Was that all? The bone fragments swirled around and pierced the fragile human body.


The wound on the chest was nothing more than a fingernail-sized hole, but the wound on the back was big enough for a fist to go through and then some.

Dan Jagang, who had reduced the dozen people who were running towards him to mush in an instant, gave off a vicious momentum with his glare and tore the groaning survivor to pieces.

Blood splattered, and flesh was torn apart.

“D- Die! “You monsteeeeer!”

This might not be bravery but rather recklessness, or perhaps just a struggle in vain.

Dan Jagang thoroughly punished those who dared to challenge him.


The black magic blades that erupted from both his hands literally cut down those who attacked him. Those who had become six pieces were scattered, and a thick fog of blood rose around them.

Sovereign of Demonic Cult. A demon walks the earth.

The demonic energy emanating from him tore through the atmosphere, enveloping and swirling around. In front of its overwhelming majesty, even Black Ghost Fortress, which had once instilled fear throughout Gangnam, was powerless.

And at that moment, Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold's foot kicked the ground. Not forward, but backward.

“Stop him!”

A loud scream burst from Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold's mouth.

There's only one worst-case scenario to consider. His death here.

Due to the nature of Evil Sects, the fall of their leader signifies their doom. If he dies, the Black Ghost Fortress will collapse in an instant, and that must be avoided at all costs.

Having made his calculations, Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold retreated with all his might.

Pathetic as it may be, he must return alive from here. Only then can he inform the world about the existence of this mad monster.

However, Dan Jagang was not merciful enough to let the prey he had chosen run away.


Those who had blocked Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold's path turned into mush and flew away. Dan Jagang, crushing, trampling, and piercing, rushed straight toward Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold like a black arrow.


A ray of light shot from Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold’s waist.

Ghost King Manifestation! (귀왕현신(鬼王現身))

The ultimate art he took pride in cut through the air. A near-perfect sword strike without any waste. How many people have lost their souls due to this lightning-like swift sword?



The sword strike unleashed by Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold collided with Dan Jagang's hand and bounced off. Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold involuntarily widened his eyes in shock.

'My sword, blocked with his hand?'


At that moment, a giant blade of demonic energy surged from Dan Jagang's raised finger. The blades of demonic energy, like the claws of Asura (아수라(阿修羅)) descended upon this world, and rained down on the head of Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold.

Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold, who did not even dare to block it, kicked the ground and rolled his body to the side.


The ground where the demonic blade fell was marked with a huge scar, as if a monstrous claw had scraped across it. It was a sight he could not believe even when witnessing it with his own eyes.

"This filthy apostate!"

Dan Jagang threw his head back and roared like a beast.

Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold's whole body began to be drenched in cold sweat.


Of course, the person who dominates this place right now is clearly Dan Jagang. Black Ghost Fortress can't even stop him. But why is the man running wild like a wounded beast?


Dan Jagang's hands began to turn black.

"I won't kill you easily!"

The rage in his eyes boiled up like lava. Dan Jagang roared as if he couldn't control his anger. Veins and tendons started to protrude all over his face.

"How dare you defile His name with your mouth! I will tear that mouth into a thousand pieces, you apostate!"


Dan Jagang, who had violently stomped on the earth, once again rushed towards Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold with terrifying speed.

Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold quickly threw his body to the side and avoided it again this time.


The ground where Dan Jagang's fist landed was crushed like tofu. And it exploded and shot upward, as if a cannonball had been dropped into water.


Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold, who jumped away to avoid Dan Jagang's attack, instantly flipped over mid-air and unleashed three sword strikes toward Dan Jagang.

The three beams of sword light, too sharp to be described merely as "sharp," flew towards Danjagang with the speed of light rays.

A normal person would dodge, and if not, block. However, Dan Jagang did not avoid or block. Instead, he wrapped himself in demonic energy and charged towards the sword energy.



The black demonic energy that erupted bounced off three beams of sword energy. Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold reflexively kicked the ground and threw his body backward.

But one can't perfectly avoid forever.


Dan Jagang's hand swung like the front paw of a fierce beast, and grazed across Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold's chest. A chunk of flesh from his chest was torn away, and blood gushed out from Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold's chest.

“Where are you running away! You rat!”

The sight of Dan Jagang chasing after Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold resembled a tiger pouncing on its prey. Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold, who was cornered, gritted his teeth and gripped his sword.

His ultimate technique, Ghost King Twelve Styles (귀왕십이류(鬼王十二流)), and specifically Ghost King Heaven Conquer (귀왕겁천(鬼王劫天)), erupted more intensely than at any other moment in his life.

Kwagak! Kwagagagak!

The demonic energy surrounding Dan Jagang and his sword energy clashed fiercely mid-air.


With a scream that seemed unbelievable to come from Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold's mouth, the reinforced sword energy, which was bluer than azure, tore apart Dan Jagang's demonic energy.

Paat! Paat!

In an instant, red blood lines crisscrossed Dan Jagang's body.

“You puuunk!”

The Ghost King Pierces the Sun (귀왕관일(鬼王貫日)), which was unleashed one after another, penetrated the gap in the torn demonic energy at the speed of a lightning strike.



Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold's eyes shook for a moment.

His sword, imbued with a chillingly sharp energy, was lodged in the center of Dan Jagang's chest.


It was an achievement he himself couldn't believe he had accomplished.

That's why Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold was suddenly overcome with fear.

‘No way, it might be a trap….'


At that moment, Dan Jagang grabbed the sword stuck in his chest with his bare hands.

“…You rat.”

Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold instinctively let go of his sword and flew backward. But before he could fully escape, Dan Jagang caught his arm.


At that moment, a scream burst out from Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold’s mouth. Dan Jagang's nails pierced his flesh and dug into his bones. A tremendous burning sensation engulfed his arm as if it was engulfed in flames. Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold’s entire body began to tremble as if seized by fever.

But what made Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold despair even more than the enormous pain was the sight that unfolding before his eyes. His sword, which had pierced Dan Jagang's chest, was slowly being pushed out.

"Keuh... Keuhuhuhuk..."

His bloodshot eyes, filled with pain, grew bigger and bigger. The gaping wound in Dan Jagang's chest was rapidly being filled with fresh, red flesh.

Dan Jagang spoke in a dark voice.

"I will let you live. You are not allowed a comfortable death. But... this body of yours will be of no use anymore."

In an instant, a pain so intense that it could split his mouth wide open wrapped around Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold's arm. The solid muscles of Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold's arm began to wither and twist like a dead tree in an instant.


A scream that could not even be described as miserable came out of Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold's agape mouth.

However, at that moment, the members of Black Ghost Fortress, who had barely caught up with the two, let out loud screams and charged toward Dan Jagang.

"Protect the leader!"

"Die, you monster!"

Those with bloodshot eyes rushed towards Dan Jagang's back without sparing their lives.

Dan Jagang didn’t even turn his head. He simply swung his arm towards those who charged at him. The risen blades of black demonic energy tore all the attackers to shreds.

Human beings turned into pieces of meat, and weapons were reduced to dust and scattered.

However, the members of Black Ghost Fortress rushed forward, disregarding their own lives. The reason was simple. The moment Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold dies, their families would die as well. They had no choice but to fight.


Even as his lower half was severed, the swung sword pierced through Dan Jagang's shoulder, and a person, crushed all over, clung to Dan Jagang's leg with one remaining arm.


In the end, Dan Jagang turned around with bloodlust shining from his eyes.

"These filthy apostates!"

At the same time, dozens of blades of black demonic energy burst forth.

"Die, all of you!"


The blades of demonic energy, larger than a human body, spun fiercely and attacked those who charged at him. The flesh and blood mixed together on the blades, creating a scene that should not exist in this world.


The storm of black demonic energy swept his front again and again.

And in an instant, everything disappeared as if it had been an illusion.

The world was dyed in silence.

Only the red-stained ground proved that everything that happened here was not a lie.

Dan Jagang, who was looking around with excitement on his face, slowly lowered his gaze and looked at what he was holding in his hand.

Someone's arm, as skinny as an old tree, had been cut off from the shoulder. A faint sneer crossed Dan Jagang’s lips. He threw the arm he was holding to the ground and muttered.

"A quick decision, that one."

Taking advantage of the brief moment when Dan Jagang lost his temper, Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold cut off his own arm and escaped.

Normally, he wouldn't have given the person caught in his hand a chance to escape, but... anyone who cultivates demonic energy to the limit will lose their senses, even if only for a moment. This was an unavoidable side effect that he had to bear.

However, the guy whose name was well known even in Kangho just cut off his own arm and ran away, abandoning all his subordinates.

"Against such beings..."

Dan Jagang bit his lip until it bled.

But then, as if to shake off the growing suspicion, he shook his head and muttered out of habit.

“Second Coming of Heavenly Demon, Myriad Demon Advance.”

He will descend.

He must surely descend.

“Second Coming of Heavenly Demon, Myriad Demon Advance.”

And thus, denying all delusions within him, He will finally grant him a name.

Only then will Dan Jagang find the meaning of existence.

“Jong Nil (적일(赤一)).”

"Yes! Bishop.”

The envoy who responded to his command appeared before him and kneeled.

“…Kill more, bestow more pain upon them. Make sure the whole world groans in despair and pain."

"Yes! Bishop!”

Dan Jagang glanced at the blood-stained ground.

‘Are you listening? Heavenly Demon. Our screams.'

Only after a while did he slowly turn away.

In the place where they left, only Great Master of Ten Thousand Gold's arm was left, twisted like an old tree.

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Comments Box

  2. I wonder why there are no comments...
  3. Dam, that fight was intense
  4. Thank you translators!

    Really smart decision
  5. Dayummmm